Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge

Watch Brain Shot Therapy Challenge REPLAYS

The Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge is a 10 day Challenge where you will have the opportunity to experience for yourself how the new Brain Shot Therapies in Medical Medium Brain Saver and its companion title, Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes can help you when you’re up against physical and emotional challenges and toxic exposures that are impacting your health. Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes offer you 7 different Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Cleanses. 

Day 1: Negative Energy Exposure Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

Learn about Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in this live and how it can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in-the-moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 1 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about the Medical Medium Negative Energy Exposure Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the surprising ways it can help you, and demonstrate how to make this healing tool.

For the Negative Energy Exposure recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Negative Energy Exposure

This is a helpful shot for those times when: You feel an unexplained sadness come over you You experience a confrontation or misunderstanding with another person Unexplained a...


Day 2: Betrayal And Broken Trust Stabilizer Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

Learn about Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in this live and how it can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in-the-moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 2 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about the Medical Medium Betrayal and Broken Trust Stabilizer Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the surprising ways it can help you, and demonstrate how to make this healing tool.

For the Betrayal & Broken Trust Stabilizer recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Betrayal & Broken Trust Stabilizer

This tool provides support in situations where:You feel emotionally toyed with, played with, or not taken seriouslyYou’ve been told your body has betrayed youYou feel betrayed, let down, ...


Day 3: Obsessive Thoughts Shifter Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

Discover how Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in - the - moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 3 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about the Medical Medium Obsessive Thoughts Shifter Brain Shot from the New York Times best - selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes . This powerful healing tool can be transformative.

For the Obsessive Thoughts Shifter recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Obsessive Thoughts Shifter

Try this shot when: You’re trying to break repeated painful thought patterns resulting from a difficult situation or hardship You experience chronic OCD, or you’re going through a...


Day 4: EMF And 5G Exposure Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

In this video, join me for Day 4 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about and show you how to make the Medical Medium EMF And 5G Exposure Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. This powerful Brain Shot is ideal for those who spend a lot of time around or on phones, computers, or other devices, or when you live near a cell tower, or travel by plane. Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can help by offering you instant, in-the-moment relief along with assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions.

For the EMF And 5G Exposure recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

EMF And 5G Exposure

Try this shot if you: Spend a lot of time on computers and computerized devices Live near a high-voltage area Spend time talking and texting on cell phones Travel by plan...


Day 5: Mold Exposure Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

Learn about Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in this live and how it can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in-the-moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 5 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about and demonstrate how to make the Medical Medium Mold Exposure Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. Mold is one of the most common triggers for the underlying causes behind chronic illnesses.

For the Mold Exposure recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Mold Exposure

A helpful shot for any kind of mold or mildew exposure, including when you have been: Visiting or living in a moldy house or building Working in a moldy office or other workspace...


Day 6: Burnout Stabilizer Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

In this video, join me for Day 6 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about and show you how to make the Medical Medium Burnout Stabilizer Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. This healing Brain Shot can help you when you are running on empty, overworked, feel pushed past your limit, or need a recharge. Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can help by offering you instant, in-the-moment relief along with assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions.

For the Burnout Stabilizer recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Burnout Stabilizer

Use this shot when: You’re feeling pushed past your limit You need a recharge You feel like you’re missing something that your body needs, or you feel like you’re running on ...


Day 7: Adrenal Fight Or Flight Stabilizer Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

Have you been joining me for the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge? Find out how this special Therapy can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in-the-moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 7 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about the Medical Medium Adrenal Fight Or Flight Stabilizer Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. This healing tool is ideal for when stress is chronic or dominating your life, you’re living on caffeine or addicted to adrenalizing activities or drama, or you’re experiencing PTSD.

For the Adrenal Fight Or Flight Stabilizer recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Adrenal Fight Or Flight Stabilizer

Try this shot when:Stress is dominating your life and you’re not getting a chance to have a break or reprieve from whatever you’re up againstContinual, chronic stress is occurringYou feel...


Day 8: Guilt And Shame Shifter Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

In this video, join me for Day 8 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about and show you how to make the Medical Medium Guilt And Shame Shifter Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. Don’t let the simplicity of this Brain Shot fool you–it is a powerful and effective healing tool for when you feel guilt, shame, not good enough, or are struggling to forgive someone. Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can help by offering you instant, in-the-moment relief along with assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions.

For the Guilt And Shame Shifter recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Guilt And Shame Shifter

Try applying this shot when: You don’t believe in yourself or you’ve lost confidence in yourself You’re losing faith that you’re a good person You’re feeling guilt or shame a...


Day 9: Nerve Shifter Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

The Medical Medium Nerve Shifter is the focus of Day 9 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. Watch me demonstrate how to make this Brain Shot and join me as I share how it can help you. It’s ideal for you when you feel shaky, nervous, or anxious; you’re experiencing spasms, twitches, tics, or moving pain; or when you’re struggling with any kind of neurological onset or episode. Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy offers instant, in-the-moment relief and also assists you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. 

For the Nerve Shifter recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Nerve Shifter

This shot has a wide range of applications.Try it:When you’re feeling shaky or anxious If you experience random spasms, twitches, tics, or shifting and moving pain throughout your bo...


Day 10: Dreams Shifter Brain Shot Therapy

A Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy

In this video, I share how Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can help you and how to do this powerful Therapy from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. For Day 10 of the Brain Shot Therapy Challenge, watch me make the Medical Medium Dreams Shifter Brain Shot and talk about when to use it. Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy offers instant, in-the-moment relief and also assists you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. 

For the Dreams Shifter recipe and instructions, follow the video above and click to view the recipe below:

Dreams Shifter

This shot can be taken at any time of day or evening. If you wish to take it before a nap or before bed, you’re welcome to make the shot earlier in the day and save it in the refrigerator...


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