Video: Brain Shot Therapy

Video: Mold Exposure Brain Shot

Learn about Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in this live and how it can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in-the-moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 5 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about and demonstrate how to make the Medical Medium Mold Exposure Brain Shot from the New York Times best-selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. Mold is one of the most common triggers for the underlying causes behind chronic illnesses. 

Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Recipe

Mold Exposure

Mold Exposure

A helpful shot for any kind of mold or mildew exposure, including when you have been:

  • Visiting or living in a moldy house or building
  • Working in a moldy office or other workspace
  • Inhaling mold off another person’s clothing
  • Consuming water contaminated with mildew or mold spores, or eating moldy food

Mold Exposure: Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy


  • ½ cup tightly packed fresh basil
  • ½ cup tightly packed fresh oregano
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • ½-inch piece of fresh ginger
  • 2 radishes
  • ¼ bulb fennel (½ cup chopped)


Run each ingredient through a juicer in the order listed from top to bottom.

Pour into a glass and serve.

Makes 1-2 shots


  • Drink this shot 15 to 30 minutes apart from any other food or drink.
  • For the fresh rosemary, if the stems are woody, you can use just the leaves. If the stems are soft, you can juice them too.
  • When juicing fennel for this recipe, you can use only the bulb itself or the bulb plus the lower-to-mid stalk (leaving out the leafy fronds in this case).

Find out how to do Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes.

Categories: Healing Tools

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